Macy's shop closure puts future of organ at risk
Hattie Butterworth
Monday, January 13, 2025
The future of the iconic Wanamaker Organ, installed in 1911, is under threat as Philadelphia's Macy's announces its closure

Philadelphia's Macy's department store has announced that it is to close in March, putting the future of the iconic Wanamaker Organ at risk. The organ, which has been known as the largest functional pipe organ in the world, was bought by American merchant John Wanamaker at the 1904 Worlds Fair in Saint Louis and had it shipped to Philadelphia in 1909.
A concert organ of the American Symphonic school of design, it is currently heard by shoppers during the daily organ concerts, which will continue up until the shop's closure. Beyond this, according to the Philadelphia Historical Commission, the Wanamaker Grand Court, including its eagle statue and organ, is one of five protected historical interiors in the city of Philadelphia. It is thought that the building could be converted into a mix of residential and commercial use.
The organisation Friends of the Wanamaker Organ has updated its website with the following statement:
'Folks: Obviously the announcement of Macy's leaving the Wanamaker Building comes as a terrific shock and is of enormous public interest. Macy's has been very positive toward making the transition a smooth and respectful one. The Wanamaker Organ will be continuing its daily concerts until closing. The city is pulling out all the stops too, committing to assisting in the development of this amazing retail space. Please forbear from negativity and cynicism as the Friends diplomatically and professionally work with all related parties to further your interests and secure the future of this irreplaceable civic and cultural asset. Please also consider a contribution to further our work on your behalf.'