Westminster Abbey and the music of Ludford: new podcast with James O'Donnell
Martin Cullingford
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The organist and Master of the Choristers on the choir's new recording

The choir of Westminster Abbey’s new recording for the Hyperion label features the music of 16th-century English composer Nicholas Ludford, a musician with strong links to Westminster, working at the Palace of Westminster, St Margarets Church and quite possibly the Abbey itself.
In our latest Podcast, Westminster Abbey’s Organist and Master of the Choristers James O’Donnell talks to Gramophone's Editor Martin Cullingford about Ludford's music, as well as about the role of the choir in the life of the Abbey today.
You can listen to this podcast below - and to download other Gramophone podcasts, visit our page at iTunes, where you can also subscribe to future episodes.