Gramophone's Song Award 2023

Fauré Complete Songs

Cyrille Dubois ten Tristan Raës pf


There are a few fine surveys of Fauré’s songs available, but – as Mark Pullinger pointed out in his review of Cyrille Dubois’s new set with Tristan Räes – they tend to feature multiple singers and a single pianist. Here we have a single singer and a single pianist, and the result is terrific: a seductive delight and a set which immediately draws you into Fauré’s world and makes you never want to leave.

The single-singer approach creates a special sense of intimacy, a special sense of confidence – in both senses – in the performers, who take us gently by the hand and share our sense of wide-eyed wonder as we take in one gem after another. They clearly love this repertoire, and that love is infectious, the quality of the performances consistently and reliably on the highest level.

‘Taken as a whole this set is compelling – a treasure trove that will keep lovers of French song happy for years to come’

Dubois’s voice is beguiling, mellifluous with a hint of haze and flutter that gives everything a slight sepia tinge that matches the moonlight and gentle longing that feature so heavily. He’s technically up to every challenge sent his way – no mean feat given the different voice types for which the songs were originally conceived – and impeccable with the texts. Räes is a perfect partner, his piano-playing superbly eloquent and atmospheric.

One might still retain favourite accounts of individual songs, or have preferences for different voice types in certain numbers, but taken as a whole this set is compelling – a treasure trove that will keep lovers of French song happy for years to come. Hugo Shirley

Read the original Gramophone Review

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